What does a typical Monday morning look like for you?

For Quentin Rozier, a typical day might start at the shelter, or doing street outreach where he meets and engages with his existing and new clients. Quentin works as a Rapid Re-Housing Case Manager for Family Eldercare, which means he works with Austinites experiencing homelessness, helping them get off the street and into stable housing.
“We have to go to them,” he says. “We have to earn their trust, to show them that we’re going to keep showing up for them.”
After that, Quentin might spend a couple of hours on the phone and computer obtaining vital documents like a driver’s license, social security card, or birth certificate for each one of his clients. After living on the streets for years, many of his clients have had these important documents get lost or stolen.
He also helps break down other barriers to housing, like advocating with landlords who are hesitant to rent an apartment to someone with a criminal record or former eviction.
“I give the property manager my assurance that I will be there, that I’m going to visit the client once a week, follow up with them. Then they are willing to give the client a second chance, and let them move in.”
It can be challenging working with clients who have so many barriers to staying stably housed, but Quentin feels called to this work.

“Helping others is who I am. It helps me develop as a human being. I have a passion for understanding someone’s needs and how I can help them further.”
His next stop is purchasing household items for his clients. He’s shopping for clients that are moving into their new homes tomorrow. He buys them all brand-new household essential items.
“It makes a difference,” he says. “It shows that we really care, that we’re investing in them and are setting them up to succeed.”
When asked what the secret is to his success, Quentin quickly responds:
“relationships.” “Building that relationship, that trust, with each client. Having that network of people that you have worked with for years. We’ve got that reputation with clients, with property managers, with our many other partners.”
Quentin’s favorite part of his job is when he helps a client find a home that he knows they can stay in permanently. “When you know they can have that forever, that’s my favorite part.”