
For Immediate Release

We are unwaveringly committed to fostering a culture of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging, ensuring that every individual is heard, seen, and respected in all aspects of our operations and interactions.

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Jaime’s Journey Towards Independence

Jaime is a Rapid Rehousing client at Family Eldercare. He is an immigrant who has been a permanent resident since his early thirties and has spent decades paying Social Security taxes out of his wages. Without a doubt, Jaime qualifies for Social Security benefits. However, he has one barrier preventing him from accessing those benefits — a permanent residency card needs to be presented at the time of application and Jaime’s permanent residency card was recently discarded by his old roommates.

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Thank You Volunteers!

Volunteers are especially important to all of us at Family Eldercare, in fact, for some of our programs it’s essential. To wrap up Volunteer Week, we have highlighted 4 of our Lifetime Connections Without Walls volunteers to share some of their favorite parts of volunteering with us. 

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Thank You Social Workers!

Social Work Month in March is a time to celebrate social workers and their dedication to service. We asked Family Eldercare social workers to share their stories of why they chose to pursue the profession and received a diverse array of responses.

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Reflections on Austin during Black History Month

During Black History Month, we are reflecting on Austin’s history and many of the policies that have led to two concerning and uncomfortable truths our community is facing: the population of people experiencing homelessness in Austin is disproportionately Black and increasingly made up of older adults.

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