Photo by Annie Ray
© Family Eldercare
On any given weekday, as the sun rises to touch the sky, you can find Phil Vaughter getting ready for his day. Reflective vest. Check. Hand-held stop sign. Check. School ID Check. And his favorite item: The Whistle.
Phil may be the only 84-year-old crossing guard in Austin. He’s been at it for 7 years and it’s gone by in a flash. “I can’t believe it” says Phil, “but my first kids are graduating high school this year!” Phil’s job is to keep children safe as they make their way to Cooperfield Elementary School. He waves and smiles to everyone to spread his positive energy. But, drivers, beware. If you ignore the stop sign, you get The Whistle.
Phil’s got a deadpan sense of humor that hits you like a stealthy ninja. Describing his love of swing dancing, he says with a straight face “I loved boogie woogie. I really thought I was Arthur Murray, but it turns out I was Arthur-I-Tis.”
Phil and his charming personality moved to Austin 56 years ago from Oklahoma. He’s been here so long that when he says he graduated from UT, people assume he means University of Texas instead of his true alma mater: University of Tulsa. He’s been an active member of the Riverbend Church for 43 years and enjoys all forms of volunteerism.
For fun, Phil hosts Superbowl parties, goes on cruises, and plays three-card poker in Vegas. He jokes “I’d like to go back to Vegas soon and visit my money.” Asked if he at least had fun losing his money, he replies without missing a beat, “everyone SAYS I did. You know they give you free bourbon, RIGHT?”
Courtney, Phil’s daughter, pipes up. “Dad, you are so sassy!” The look in her eyes is unmistakable. Utter love and pride. Phil is a wonderful, kind father, husband, grandfather, leader, joke-cracker, and all-around good guy.